The goals of the Conference

The goals of the Conference are:

point out in an argumentative and critical way the importance of fundamental research for the progress of the global community and the prosperous development of modern states, as well as the unacceptable attitude towards this research;

warn of the consequences of inadequate fundamental research on the development of the global community and modern states;

 point out the harmfulness of quasi-scientific knowledge in fundamental research for the future development of the global community and modern states;

draw the attention of the scientific and general public, especially the entities responsible for scientific research in international organizations and nation states, to the need for greater application of fundamental prognostic and futurological research without which there is no development of the global community and modern states;

critically review the unacceptable status of fundamental research in all fields of science, and

critically considers the place, role and importance of science methodology in the conception and conduct of fundamental research in all fields of science and scientific fields.